The Irish Red and White Setter is a breed with an athletic body structure and a noble head. This breed is especially suitable for active people, but also as a family dog for children as long as the family has enough time to spend with their dog on a regular basis. Most IRWS have a laid-back nature, are very adaptable and easy to train.The Irish Red and White Setter is a breed with an athletic body structure and a noble head. This breed is especially suitable for active people, but also as a family dog for children as long as the family has enough time to spend with their dog on a regular basis. Most IRWS have a laid-back nature, are very adaptable and easy to train.

20 - 32kg
Males 62 - 66cm,
Females 57 - 61cm


The IRWS was originally bred for searching and pointing game, but it is not one of the “hard” working dog breeds – it is relatively easy to train and is very happy to be a valued member of the family and a “companion” for all kinds of activities, not only for hunting practice. It is definitely a breed you will never be bored with nd if you want to have a smooth life with this dog , do not let him be bored with you, otherwise he will start looking for fun and adventure on his own. ☺ It is an intelligent dog, and if you can “stimulate ” his brain as well, there is no need to to spend long hours on walks every day to tire out your dog. This breed will win your heart not only because of its appealing appearance , but also due to its endless joy of life, enthusiasm, determination to pursue any activity and the desire to be a faithful companion for the loved ones in all adventures.

In my opinion, IRWS are the biggest comedians of all setter types. They have incredibly varied facial expressions and body language, and you will be enchanted by their likeness. Nothing is impossible for them, only the sky is the limit – as long as they are with you. They tend to be very friendly to people, but at the same time they can be determined and reliable protectors of their human family or home. IRWS is a dog that can take over your entire sofa or master bed (if you let him do it ), but can also curl up into a miniature ball if he decides to occupy the miniature Chihuahua’s bed.


Although the Red and White Setter requires rigorous training, with the right approach, and setting boundaries at a young age, this dog is very trainable and enjoys working with people.

This dog can be a perfect companion and will happily you accompany you even to the Moon and back with mischievous sparks in the eyes, joy and excitement anticipating another adventure together. If you let him “perform work” in which his natural talents can be used, he will obey you with great dedication, love and again – with great joy. This breed is happy to pursue any activity you can imagine and go even beyond… ☺


According to the standard, this dog is “aristocratic, temperamental and intelligent.” He shows friendship and grace behind which is hidden decisiveness, boldness and energy. He is a very friendly, obedient and easy-to-manage hunting dog.

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IRWS loves movement in nature, but necessary to tun tens of kilometers every day, as long as is stimulated by mental activities (any kind of training, nose-work, puzzles, etc.).


Even though this is a hunting breed, ithis dog is not stubborn, it likes to work with people, and its innate interest in game can be well channeled with proper training.


IRWS usually have a very affectionate relationship with children and, with proper training, are also friendly with other types of animals in the same household.